Did you know that if you have admin access to a Sitecore site, you probably have the ability to view and upload files to the server? This is probably something that the more seasoned Sitecore developers are well aware of, but it's something that I learned about not that long ago.

It's called Sitecore File Explorer and it's a functionality that is sort of hidden away from normal users, unless you know what you're looking for. You can't find it through the Sitecore admin panel.
To navigate to the Sitecore File Explorer, go to this url path:
[Your Sitecore URL]/sitecore/shell/default.aspx?xmlcontrol=FileExplorer
This will show you the files within the root folder of your website. Here, you can navigate to files, download them and upload new ones. I would discourage against the uploading of files because if you upload a .config or a .dll file, it will cause a recycling of the app pool, causing the site to spins back up. However, should you ever need to, the option is available to you.
I'm very glad that Sitecore exposes this functionality to developers, I just wish it were a bit more robust and easy to navigate to. In its current state, the File Explorer seems more like a hack than a full functional tool. Having the ability to view files within this tool would also be a great new feature.
You listening, Sitecore?